Laborers Local 517
  Orlando, FL    
  Classes for October 1 - 2 H/C OSHA 10 / Fire Watch (Creole) October 11 *Union Meeting 2nd Friday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (2 Hour Credit) * October 16 Fall Protection (8 Hour) October 17 Scaffold User (8 Hour) October 28 - November 1 General Construction Class (5 Day,40 Hour) November 1 *Union Meeting 2nd Friday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (2 Hour Credit) * November 4 - 8 Site Prep Concrete Forming (5 Day,40 Hour) November 12 - 13 Aerial Lift, Boom and Scissor Lift Training (2 Day, 16 Hour) November 19 - 20 OSHA 10 and Fire Watch (2 Day, 16 Hour) ________________________ 580 Irene Street Orlando, FL 32805  
Executive Board
Oscar A. Manzanares
Business Manager
William Ross
Raymond Caldwell
Pete Harris
Vice President
John Groh
Recording Secretary
Phillip Eaton
Eboard Members
Richard Haynes
Eboard Members
Jason Anthony
Sergeant at Arms
Mike Nelson
Chad Canfield
Jillian Van Appledorn
Bee Jones
Administrative Assistant
Nyokie Phillip
Administrative Assistant
Members Only
Pay Dues

    Feel The Power....
General membership meetings are now held on the second Friday of each month. 7PM

Contact us

Office Hours 8am - 4pm M-F


Local 517
580 Irene St  
Orlando,  FL 32805
